Bruno aime Stella
The beautiful young Stella is deeply in love with her husband Bruno; Bruno is fiercely jealous and strikes his cousin Pétrus, simply because he detected a glimmer of lust in his eye. Confronting Stella, Bruno is at first reassured and blames his silent secretary for inciting him to jealousy. Three months later Bruno is obsessed with Stella's infidelity…he is sick of jealousy and finally she will run away from him….
année de production: | 1946 |
genre: | tragi-comédie |
durée: | 90 min |
procédé: | Zwart/wit - Noir et blanc |
version: | française (son synchrone) sans sous-titres |
production: | Belnapro |
réalisation: | E.G. De Meyst |
scénario: | Fernand Crommelynck d'après sa propre pièce |
images: | Maurice Delattre |
musique: | Robert Pottier |
interprétation: | Jean-Louis Barrault, Maria Mauban, Werner Degan, Marcel Josz, Hubert Daix, Viviane Chantel, Lucien Charbonnier, Réginald, Sylviane Ramboux, Jules Ghaye, Jos Gevers. |
lien vimeo version francaise avec sous titres en anglais : https://vimeo.com/176062269