Espoir, sierra de teruel

ESPOIR1Le film retrace quelques faits d'armes pendant la guerre d'Espagne, en 1938.

Le film montre « l’homme dans toute sa misère, dans son immense désir de vivre, de vivre sans être humilié, avec le simple privilège d’être un homme, et qu’un destin cruel veut trop souvent lui refuser ».

Acteurs : Andrés Mejuto, Julio Peña, Pedro Codina,

Distinctions et récompenses : Prix Louis-Delluc

d'après le roman d'André Malraux : L'Espoir édité en 1937.

Spanish version with french subtitles and also spanish version
Tourné pendant la guerre d’Espagne 1939- L’authenticité, le réalisme de ce film, mais surtout le sacrifice pour la collectivité qu’il nous présente renforcent l’engagement de cette œuvre, mais celle-ci se révèle être aussi un film où se marient lyrisme et tragique.

Not vailable for SPAIN
Espoir: Sierra de Teruel (English title: Days of Hope or Man's Hope) is a 1938–39 Spanish-French b/w Shot during the Spanish war 1939. This film shows the sacrifice for humanity but also tragedy and lyrics
k and white war film, directed by Boris Peskine and André Malraux. It was not commercially released until 1945. Malraux wrote the novel L'Espoir, or Man's Hope, published in 1937, which was basis for the film.
The director won the 1945 Prix Louis Delluc award.
The crash of a Spanish Republican Air Force Potez 540 plane near Valdelinares inspired André Malraux to write the novel.[1] Different years are given for the film's completion. The novel was published in French in 1937 and in English in 1938. The film uses war footage from 1938 and was edited, and other scenes shot, during 1938–1939. It was finished in July 1939 and shown twice in Paris, but Francoist Spain applied pressure to censor it. All known copies were destroyed during World War II. A copy was found and the film was released again in 1945. In Spain, it was banned and was not screened until 1977, after the death of Franco.

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