Les territoires de la défonce
Territories of drug

Ce film est à la fois étonnant, choquant, brutal, émouvant et réaliste. Il est constitué d'entretiens originaux de jeunes confrontés à la drogue. C'est un aperçu réaliste de ce qui se passe chez les jeunes qui utilisent la drogue. L'on y découvre les thèmes de l'emprise de la drogue sur les adolescents, l'escalade de la consommation, les réactions de l'entourage et de la société, l'entraide entre les jeunes.


Baudelaire and Freud and the narrative skims through the territory of drug addiction.

Among the periods and places mentioned in the English opium trade in China, drugs in the Renaissance, and in ancient Rome. Many of the addicts in Belgium are better off than they are/, Drug users tend to start with substance. rade in China, drugs in the Renaissance, and in ancient Rome. Many of the addicts in Belgium are better off than they arebut they are better off than they are. Drug users tend to start with substance substances but quickly turn to the most heroin or cocaine. ~ Eleanor

"This film is surprising, shocking, brutal, moving and realistic, and consists of original interviews of young people confronted with drugs, a realistic overview of what happens to young people who use drugs. It reveals the themes of the grip of drugs on teenagers, the escalation of consumption, the reactions of the entourage and society, mutual aid among young people. (Cinémathèque Federation Wallonia / Brussels)

Directed by JOAO CORREA

French version https://vimeo.com/778923309

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