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Salvador DALI


Salvador DALI est considéré comme l'un des principaux représentants du surréalisme et comme  l’une  des  figures  les  plus  magistrales  de  l’art du XXE siècle

.Il est à la fois l'un des artistes les plus controversés et les plus populaires.

Influencé très jeune par l'impressionnisme, il quitta Figueras, sa ville natale pour se rendre à Madrid.

Il fut peu après, l’un des premiers impressionnistes catalans.

C’est en 1929, à Paris, qu’il rejoint officiellement le groupe surréaliste.

Sa fascination pour la psychanalyse marque l'ensemble de son travail, notamment grâce à sa méthode « paranoïaque-critique ».

L'artiste puise dans ses psychoses et peint ses obsessions les plus enfouies.

Souvent dénoncé pour ses provocations, son goût de l'argent et ses prises de positions politiques , Dali crée l'événement à chaque apparition et devient rapidement un phénomène médiatique.

Celui qui se surnomme lui-même le ''pervers polymorphe'' construit sa démarche autour d'univers érotiques intrigants qui chamboulent le monde de l'art.

A l'évocation de son nom, adoration et critique se mêlent amoureusement mais le génie de Salvador Dali autant dans son maniement des pinceaux que dans celui de l'opinion publique, est incontestable.


Pablo PICASSO is considered as the founder of Cubism, and he is one of the greatest artists of the XXth century, both by his technical talents and by his political activism.

Picasso’s Blue Period, between 1901-1904, began with the suicide of his friend, Carlos Casagemas, which explains why it is centered on the melancholic subject of death, old age and poverty.

But it is nonetheless satirical.

The Pink Period, beginning in 1905, is based on the use of ‘’reddish’’ colors.

Joy  and  existential  angst  are  explored.  The  works  of  the  artist  remained  melancholic  and overcome with love.

From 1907 to 1909, Picasso’s work was influenced by African art, especially Congolese art.

From 1907 to 1914, like Georges Braque he created paintings that would later be called ‘’Cubist’’.

These paintings are characterized by a reflection on geometry and the representation of shapes.

The Ladies of Avignon (1907) is the last oil on canvas painting.

It is considered as marking the beginning of Cubism ; it is one of the most important paintings in the history of art because it puts forth new stylistic and conceptual models.

Later, he painted very violent paintings that depict deformed, convulsive creatures, caught in the grips of hysterical rage. Woman in a Chair (1926) etc.

In 1937, Picasso began working on Guernica, an artwork that symbolizes the horror of war and the anger Picasso felt at the death of so many innocent victims.

His desire to depict personal hell from within was undeniably influenced by the work of the Surrealist poets. However, he adopted for a more pragmatic approach to the Surrealist poet. Howewer , he adopted for a more dramatic approach to the Surrealist method of « dream copied on a canvas ».  



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