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Les plus grands musées du monde : US, New-York - Metropolitan Museum af Art
The greatest museums of the world : New-York - Metropolitan Museum of Art


musee New York










The Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) is New York’s pride.

It is one of the biggest museum in the world.

It contains more than 2 millions of works from around the world and presents a very diverse collection of objects.

It contains the richest collection of American arts in the world, one of the most important gathering of European’s paintings and sculptures, and, of course, the decorative arts from the five continents.

The MET exhibits modern artworks, such as “Gertrude Stein” a portrait by Picasso, “Autumn Rhythm” by Pollock and “The Beginning” by Beckmann, a triptych artwork.

We can see some classical paintings by Weyden, Dürer, Titian, Poussin, Vermeer, Watteau, Giotto, Goya, El Greco, Chase, Cranach, Fra Angelico, Ribera, David, Fragonard, Velasquez, Lepage, Chardin, Veronese, Rembrandt…

We can also see some modern paintings by artists such as Renoir, Degas, Cassat, Lachaise, Monet, Sisley, Eakins, Cézanne, Turner, Van Gogh, Rousseau, Morisot, Pissarro, Daumier, Munch, or Gauguin.

Then, we can also mention Paul Klee’s 40 paintings, recounting his career from beginning to end.




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