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CEVENNEAvec les terrasses qui entourent les maisons de pierre, la châtaigneraie demeure un élément fondamental du paysage cévenol. "Le Cévenol aime à dire que le châtaignier se fume à la hache ou qu'il aime le fer. Le Cévenol a vécu par et pour la châtaigneraie et l'homme et l'arbre forment un couple indissociable". D. Travier.


Ces liens menaçaient de se rompre alors que la châtaigneraie représente toujours un enjeu important pour la société contemporaine. Ceux qui n'ont pas baissé les bras témoignent... D'autres jettent un nouveau regard sur les richesses que révèle ce patrimoine exceptionnel. Et les arbres eux-mêmes savent parler, dans l'ombre des feuilles, à la lumière des jours, des travaux et des saisons. Stone-built house surrounded by their "terraces" (land retained by stone walls), and slop upon slope of chestnut grouves, these are the basic elements of the Cevenne landscape.
"The Cevenol people say that the chestnut tree is invigorated by the blows of the axe, that it thrives on steel. The lived by and for their chestnut groves, and men and trees formed an inseparable couple". D. Travier.
These links are in danger of breaking whilst the chestnut thees still represent an important stake for contemporary society. Those who have not given up bear witness... Others take a new look at the riches revealed by this exceptional heritage. The trees themselves in the shade of their branches, in the light of day, testify to the labours of the changing seasons.

Agriculture | Arbre | Forêt | Identité culturelle | Patrimoine | Cévennes |

Auteur-Réalisateur :
Raymond Achilli  

AuteurMichelle Sabatier
Conseiller historique : Daniel Travier

Stone-built house surrounded by their "terraces" (land retained by stone walls), and slop upon slope of chestnut grooves, these are the basic elements of the Cevennes landscape. "The Cevenol people say that the chestnut tree is invigorated by the blows of the axe, that it thrives on steel. The lived by and for their chestnut groves, and men and trees formed an inseparable couple". D. Travier. These links are in danger of breaking whilst the chestnut still represent an important stake for contemporary society. Those who have not given up bear witness... Others take a new look at the riches revealed by this exceptional heritage. The trees themselves in the shade of their branches, in the light of day, testify to the labors of the changing seasons


1997 - France - 41 minutes - Betacam SP