Au coeur de Toulouse, un club de rugby fait vibrer ses habitants. Chaquematchfaitstadecombleetlavilles’enorgueillitdupalmarèsdeseschampions.Leplusbeaudetouslesclubsfrançais.Ceclub,leStadeToulousain,aacceptéd’ouvrirsesportes.Découvertedescoulissesd’unsportdevenumédiatiqueautraversduquotidiendeceuxquilefontexister:lesjoueursbiensûr,maisaussilesentraîneurs,leséquipementiers,lespartenairesetlessupporters.Onlesdécouvreàl’occasiondelasaison20062007.
RicheenrebondissementspourleStade,cettesaisonestaussireprésentativedesproblématiquesdusportdehautniveau:blessures,accueildejoueursétrangers,organisationdescompétitions.Dixansaprèsl’avènementduprofessionnalisme,untableau du rugbyd’aujourd’hui.
In the heart of Toulouse, a rugby club vibrates its inhabitants. Each match is full and the city is proud of its championship. The most beautiful of all French clubs. This club, the Stade Toulousain, has agreed to open its doors. Discover the behind the scenes of a sport that has become a media center of attention through the daily lives of those who make it exist: the players of course, but also the coaches, equipment manufacturers, partners and supporters, which unfolds during the 2006-2007 season. Rich in twists and turns for the stadium, this season is also representative of the problems of a high-performance sport: injuries, reception of foreign players, organization of competitions. Ten years after the advent of professionalism, a picture of today's rugby.
Sidonie Garnier / Pascal Albertini 2007-84’HD
Production : Morgane / 504 productions / TLT SOCIETE /SPORT/Version française et anglaise