

PASTEUR HARLEYRicky Del Rio est un homme dans la force de l’âge, d’origine portoricaine et venant d’une famille nombreuse pauvre de Brooklyn. Cet ancien drogué et voyou est un personnage surprenant, un être attachant, haut en couleur et fort en gueule. Pas du tout le personnage classique du puritain blanc de l’Amérique profonde mais plutôt un Fou de Dieu assez sexy. Cependant est-il un croyant sincère, ou un manager éclairé qui a su s’enrichir faire profiter sa petite entreprise ?
Riccky Del Rio, of Porto Rican origin, was born in a Brooklyn ghetto in 1950 and brought up in a strict Pentecostal household. As a teenager, he turned his back to religion and was involved in gang violence. In the early seventies he found his true calling in the streets of the ghetto. He was called by called to Washington by President Bush on a couple of occasions and was given a rewarded for his dedication and work at Ground Zero. A hip pastor with a great sense of humour and a multi-cultural congregation.  
Directed by Claire DAVID TARTANE
2007 52' HDV
French version :
English version :