


220px Haine1980Poster



Un motocycliste s'arrête un soir dans un petit café. La patronne propose de lui tirer les cartes: une mort violente. Quand il veut repartir, sa moto est en panne.Sans comprendre ce qui se passe, il est assailli, pourchassé, roué de coups par les habitants. Un film d'atmosphère, de mystère et de violence


A motor cyclist soaked by the rain stops one night in a little cafe in a remote village. The owner's wife offers to tell his fortune with cards and forecasts his violent death. When he goes to leave he finds that his bike has broken down, so he has to walk to the village, where he is attacked and beaten by the inhabitants. Only one woman tries to intervene.



mis en scène :Dominique GOULT     

Mise en HD en 2019                                                                  


version française

version Allemande  : KILLER TRUCK

   version anglaise

   version espagnol : EL CREDO DE LA VIOLENCIA

avec Klaus KINSKI, Maria SCHNEIDER, Katia TCHENKO, Evelyne BOUIX

Veision française :

German version :

Spanish version :

English version :

German version HD :

German version with French subtitles HD :

German version with English subtitles HD :

French version HD :

French version with German subtitles HD :

French version with English subtitles HD :


Trailer French version HD :

Bonus interview Klaus KINSKI French version HD :


Bonus interview PATRICE MELENNEC French version HD :