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Pierre Mauroy, sur la piste de l'éléphant

PIERRE MAUROYMaire de Lille, Président de la Communauté Urbaine de Lille, Premier secrétaire du Parti Socialiste, Premier Ministre… Pierre MAUROY se retourne sur son parcours et se livre à des confidences. C’est le portrait d’un homme, c’est aussi une leçon d’histoire…
His grandfather was a woodcutter. His father was a school director. A portrait about four topics : Childhood and Youth, Lille, Matignon, Private places. His political everyday life. In 50 years of political life he has lived great historic events : mine workers’ strikes, the return of Général De Gaulle as a president, François MITTERAND election, the Channel tunnel, Berlin wall fall, communist systems fall, the growth of international socialism, the building of Europe. The ex first Minister is writing his memories…
Directed by Pascal GOETHALS
2000 - 52' SD