

Afficher l'image d'origineLa femme de Méliès, sa petite fille, l’un de ses anciens collaborateurs, son fils évoquent la vie de celui auquel le spectacle cinématographique doit tant. A travers le récit de la petite fille de Georges MELIES, les souvenirs de sa grand-mère et l'aide d'un ancien collaborateur François LALLEMENT nous découvrons le parcours de ce magicien ..



Melies’ wife, grand daughter, one of his associates and his son, retrace the life on the man to whom motion-pictures owe so much.Set to a waltz composed by Méliès, Georges Franju’s film about Georges Méliès is charming, nostalgic, imbued with a sense of the fleeting nature of life, Le Grand Méliès is a silent film with voice over written by Franju and recited by Marie-Georges Méliès. "This delicate, poignant film covers the career of Méliès from toy store and stage magician to pioneer filmmaker—the one to whom, D.W. Griffith said, he “owed everything.”


short film CLASSIC 1952-32’SD
Directed by GEORGES FRANJU With : Madame GEORGES MELIES, ANDRE MELIES French and English version
Palmarès : Diplôme d’Honneur au VII° Festival International du Film - Edinburg - 1953


English version :
French version :