
L'été des hannetons

hannetonsAprès plusieurs années Pauline revient pour l’enterrement de son père.Elle se remémore les évènements qui ont marqué sa jeunesse Les retrouvailles avec sa mère, sont orageuses. Comment sa fille peut-elle être amoureuse de celui qui est à l’origine de la mort de son propre père ? Pauline, abasourdie, essaie d’en savoir ; Jean finit par lui dévoiler un épisode de l’occupation resté secret. Le père de Pauline était un collaborateur pendant la guerre Mais Jean n’a pas tout dit, et Pauline veut maintenant connaître la vérité.

 After several years away Pauline comes back to her native village. A few days ago the police found the dead body of her father who committed suicide. She remembers her childhood there, when her parents were always away and her only friend was Jean, a domestic who took care of her. When Jean offers Pauline a job and when he tells her his father was linked to his father’s murder by German troops she cannot believe him. Then she discovers that Jean and his brother blackmailed her father to get his house and Jean, disgusted by his brother’s attitude towards Pauline, goes away. Years later Pauline inherits from her mother and came back…

16/9-1999 -90’

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