Le gouvernement Kubitschek-1956-1961- connaît un essor économique et culturel sans précédent : c’est la
construction de la capitale Brasilia.
La démocratie est renversée par un « golpe » des militaires qui accéderont au
pouvoir pour plus de 20 ans. Maria Alicia, proche du Président, l’aide à rédiger ses mémoires dans son exil parisien.
Elle est dépositaire des manuscrits et de souvenirs inconnus à ce jour de l’homme d’Etat disparu mystérieusement.
Un point de vue nouveau sur l’homme et le contexte politique de cette période de l’Histoire brésilienne.
The individual memory of the witnesses, the universality of a place of work of a political fate, and unveils the trace
which archives have built up that had so far not been used. Kubitschek was the leader of the country between 1956 and
1961 and it was him who was going to embody the idea of modernity for many Brazilians. He was at the origin of an
unprecedented economic and cultural development before being forced to exile following the “golpe” through which
the militaries took the power on the 31st of March 1964.This project is unparalleled : Maria Alice Gomes Berengas was
the secretary of Juscelino Kubitchek in Paris during his French exile in the sixties. Close to the President, she helped
him to write his memories. She is a witness and an actor, the trustee of the manuscripts and unknown souvenirs to this
day of the man of State who disappeared in conditions which still are controversial.
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