Adonis : Fraco-Lebanese Poet, Poetry as an open project
Adonis : poète franco-libanais – la poésie comme projet ouvert
Poète français d’origine syro-libanaise, vivant à Paris, ADONIS s’est confronté dès ses premiers textes,à une question fondamentale: comment créer une poésie radicalement nouvelle, libérée des contraintes formelles et thématiques de la poésie arabe classique ?
C’est notamment auprès de ses amis PREVERT et ARAGON parmi les plus grands poètes Français du 20ème siècle, qu’il a apporté une réponse éclatante à cet enjeu. Ses poèmes, révolutionnaires, ont influencé tous les artistes arabes contemporains au point de faire de lui une légende, un trésor vivant, et un candidat régulier au prix Nobel de littérature, sans l’obtenir encore. Il n’a eu de cesse d’étudier la condition du monde arabe et de chanter ses origines. Son langage poétique est profondément influencé par les poètes mystiques arabes et la poésie française. Il a ouvert la poésie arabe à la modernité en mariant mysticisme et surréalisme. Son œuvre embrasse les domaines des créations plastiques, peintures, calligraphies et collages « des raquimas », pages sur lesquelles on trouve en même temps l’écriture, la couleur et le dessin.
A French poet, of Syro-Lebanese descent who lives in Paris, ADONIS has struggled with one fundamental question since the very start of his writing career : how s it possible to create a radically new form of poetry, free from he formal and thematic constraints of classical Arab poems ?
He worked with his friends PREVERT and ARAGON, two of the most important French poets of the 20th Century, and the three of them reached some startling conclusions.
His revolutionary poetry has influenced contemporary Arab artists, to such an extent that he has come to be seen as a legend, a living treasure.
He has been regularly nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature, though he has yet to win it.
He devotes his life to studying the condition of the Arab World, and to expounding on its origins.
His writing style has been profoundly influenced both by Arabic Mystical poetry, and French poetry.
He succeeded in bringing Arabic poetry into the modern era, by combining mysticism with surrealism.
A very diverse artist, his work includes visual artworks, paintings, calligraphies, and « raquima » collages, pages which combine script, images, and colour.
Directed by Elodie LELU
French Version
English Version
A documentary of 52’
High Definition
HD Cam and Apple ProRes 422