La vaste majorité de la population Argentine tire ses origines de notre vieux continent. Il est donc facile pour un voyageur tel que moi de se fondre dans ce délicieux mélange Européen, issues des différentes vagues d’immigration. Buenos Aires garde aujourd’hui cet aspect chimérique qui la rattache inexorablement à la mémoire de l’époque glorieuse du début du 20eme siècle où elle connaît une croissance fulgurante. Ses habitants que l’on appelle les « porteños » continuent de parler de ces années illustres avec un regard ému. Mais derrière ce souvenir éternel aux airs de tango se cache une autre ville. Une ville au passé douloureux qui soigne.
As well as being the political capital, Buenos Aires is also Argentina’s largest city and contains its busiest port. The residents of Buenos Aires are traditionally referred to as « Portenos », people of the port.
The people of Buenos Aires are mostly of European origin, with a majority being descendants of Spanish and Italian immigrants.
Buenos Aires is best known as the world capital of Tango.
Tango music includes three different rhythms: tango, milonga and waltz, all of which are used for the famous tango dance.
The district of Palermo is well known for its sophisticated calm. It is an area where lush gardens abound, but it is also a party zone, where the Portenos come to eat in the many restaurants, and dance tango all night long.
La Boca, another of the tango hot-spots, has a very particular feel to it. It’s a village in the middle of the city.
Built alongside the river, near the old port, it has always been inhabited by immigrants, in the 20th century they were mostly European, particularly Italian immigrants, whereas today the majority come from Bolivia and Paraguay.
As for San Telmo, it is known for its tango clubs, but also for its antique markets. The atmosphere here comes as a shock to anyone coming from the centre of town; the tall imposing structures of the centre, are replaced by grand colonial houses.
Further to the North we come to the ‘barrio’ of Retiro, and to its west, the district of Recoleta, with its famous cemetery.
Retiro owes its name to ‘El Retiro’, a large mansion, which once stood on the site of the present day Plaza San Martin, next to the Retiro Station.
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2014 52' HD